Solar Cycles:
SMF periodically changes in time
Consequently all forms of solar activity periodically changes in time
Information about last Solar Cycles:
Cycle 23
2000 May 28 - 2011 Mar 29
This cycle lasted 11 years. The maximum smoothed sunspot number (monthly number of sunspots averaged over a twelve-month period) observed during the solar cycle was 120.8 (March 2000), and the minimum was 1.7. A total of 805 days had no sunspots during this cycle.
Cycle 24
2011 March 29 - 2020 December 22
Cycle 24 ended in December 2020 after 9.5 years.
Cycle 25
2011 March 29 - 2020 December 22
Several predictions have been made for SC25 based on different methods, ranging from very weak to moderate magnitude.
A physics-based prediction relying on the data-driven solar dynamo and solar surface flux transport models by Bhowmik and Nandy (2018) seems to have predicted the strength of the solar polar field at the current minima correctly and forecasts a weak but not insignificant solar cycle 25 similar or slightly stronger in strength relative to cycle 24.
The Solar Cycle minimum in Cycle 25 will be long and deep.
Solar Cycle 26
2030 Nov 20 - 2039 Apr 2
In that cycle Global Mean Temperature (GMT) will be equals 15.5 degrees Celsius. 1-1.5 degrees more then in SC25!
It will be Super Hot Weather in SC26 before New Ice Age.