What will happens after New Ice Age Beginning:
In development . . .
We make an assamption : maximal coverage of glatchers in the Europe will be the same in New Ice Age as coverage in previous one. That's why we are studying glatchers maps for previous Ice Age.
Europe map of the last glacial period:
Here is the map of the last glacial period and its associated glaciation in northern parts of Europe. This is the final icing map.
We see on this map that the entire north of Europe will be covered with glaciers. We will refer to these glaciers as The North Ice Belt. It takes over countries:
- Ireland: 4/5 of its North
- England: 2/3 of its North
- Norway will be disappeared under glacial coverage
- Sweden will be disappeared under glacial coverage
- North East of Germany
- North Poland
- Finland will be disappeared under glacial coverage
- Estonia will be disappeared under glacial coverage
- Latvia will be disappeared under glacial coverage
- Lithuania will be disappeared under glacial coverage
- North and West Parts of Russia
All Baltic Sea also will be disappeared under glacial coverage
South Europe:
East South Europe:
New Land Roads Between Neighbor countries:
North America:
This is the map of the last glacial period and its associated glaciation in North America:
At the end of the last glaciation (Wisconsin Glaciation), massive ice sheets covered almost all of Canada and much of the northern United States
Exodus of Canadians to USA:
Vegetation Zones in Europe at the End of the Previous Ice Age:
We assume that similar map will be at the beginning of Ice Age 2100:
Changing the boundaries of the Earth - Sea in Europe
In development . . .
North and Western Europe
In the southern part of the Atlantic coast, the sea has dried 30 km to the West
Northern Spain
The sea dried up 30 km to the North
Western France
The coast moved to the West by 40-50 km
Northern France
The watershed between England and France (the English Channel) has disappeared. Everything became dry land.
The strait between Ireland and England (St George's Channel, Irish Sea and Inner Seas off the West Coast of Scotland
) will disappear. Everything will become dry land
The whole will be covered with glaciers, and will become completely unsuitable for human habitation
East England
The coast of the North Sea will move to the East by 40-60 km
Belgium and Holland
The North Sea coast will go a hundred kilometers to the Northwest.
In Holland, including Amsterdam, all canals will disappear.
The southern part of the Wadden Sea will disappear and become land.
Northern Germany
The coast of the northern sea will go to the Northwest for hundreds of km from Rhein to the Elbe.
The northern part of the Wadden Sea will disappear.
Dogger Bank will get very close to the coast
The sea straits passing through Denmark will become land. Denmark ban exit from the Baltic Lake. The northwestern part of Denmark will go under water from Danish town Frederikshavn to the town of Herning.
Will be completely covered with glaciers.
Almost all of Sweden will be covered with glaciers. Only a small southern part will become tundra.
Baltic Sea
It will turn into a Baltic lake. This will lead to many conflicts between the countries with the Baltic coast.
The entire coast 60 km to the South will be flooded by the waters of the Baltic Lake
The coast will be flooded
The coast will be flooded
Half of the country will disappear under water
It will be covered with glaciers all the way to the coast.
Kaliningrad region will be half submerged
Leningrad region together with St. Petersburg will be under water
Republic of Karelia: the southern part will go under water, the northern part will be covered with glaciers.
Murmansk Oblast is also will be covered with glaciers, except for a small piece in the east.
The passage from Arkhangelsk to the Barents and Norwegian seas will remain
South Europe
Eastern Spain
The Balearic Sea coast will go 50 km to the East
South coast of France in the Marseille region
The Mediterranean coast will shift to the South by 50 km
Sardinia and Corsica
will become one island, the area of which will become one island, the coast of which will go east into the Tyrrhenian Sea
Sicily will connect with mainland Italy and will be one third larger in area.
The Ionian Sea will be drained along the Croton-Lecce line and further south to the southeast for 40-50 km.
The northeast coast will go northeast to the Adriatic Sea for 70 km.
The northwestern part of the Adriatic Sea will become dry land up to the Bologna-Croatia line. (goodbye Venetian canals!).
As a result, Italy will receive a lot of new land.
will add a lot of new land from the Adriatic sea
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Will lose access to the sea
Growth of land 30 km to the West
Growth of land 30 km to the West
Western, Eastern Greece and Athens will unite because the straits and bays become land.
The Bosphorus, Dardanelles and the Marmara Sea will disappear, there will be dry land.
Islands close to the west coast will become part of mainland Turkey
The coast will move to the east by 50 km
The coast will move to the east by 50 km
Lake Sivash will disappear. from it, the coast of the Azov Sea will go to the east of Mariupol
South of Russia
The southeastern coast of Crimea will move to the southeast by 40 km. The northern coast of Crimea, formed by Lake Sivash, will become dry land.
Taganrog Gulf will become dry land.
Climatic disaster in the countries surrounding the Baltic Sea.
In development . . .
Coast countries on
northeastern Germany, northern Poland, the west of the Kaliningrad region of Russia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, the Leningrad region of Russia, the south of Finland, Sweden will be halited by the water of the Baltic Sea.
The Sea itself will turn into a Baltic Lake, having lost contact with the North Sea.
All Iceland, Norway, middle and northern Sweden and Finland will be covered with glaciers, which will directly break into the sea.
The passage from the Baltic Lake to the North Sea will disappear due to the draining of the strait connecting them, which now passes through the territory of Denmark.
And all of these changes will begin in 2065.
The German coast in the Rostock region will go under water right up to the Polish border, and the population of this area will be relocated to the interior of Germany. It is also possible to transfer the maritime industry to a new coast.
For Poland, the flooding of its entire northern coast will be a severe blow to its economy, from industry to tourism. This will also lead to dire consequences for the entire population of Poland.
The new coast will be 60-80 km farther south, excluding Gdansk. The Polish government will certainly want to move its southern border by the same distance, capturing eastern Slovakia and western Ukraine.
Kaliningrad and the coast of the Kaliningrad region will be flooded. The city of Gvardeysk will be on the coast. In total, 1/3 of the Kaliningrad region will be flooded.
The Lithuanian coast will be flooded. The new coast will be 80 km to the east. The main port of Klaipeda will be flooded.
The western part of Latvia will go under water, but the port of Riga will remain on the coast.
Almost all of Estonia will go under water. This will be one example of the loss of its territory by the People.
The same will happen with Icelanders, Norwegians, Swedes and Finns: and they will become Nations without their own Land.
What will happen to the northwestern part of Russia?
St. Petersburg, the Leningrad Region and the southern part of the Republic of Karelia will go under water.
The northern part of the Republic of Karelia and the Murmansk region will be covered with glaciers. Only a small eastern part of the Murmansk Region in the White Sea, at the entrance to the Barents Sea, will remain tundra.
Passage from Arkhangelsk to the Barents Sea will be preserved.
Great Northern Migration from Norway, Sweden, Finland, Estonia and Latvia.
Let us first discuss the future of the Muslim and Russian minorities in these countries.
Obviously, Muslims will stop receiving social benefits and start rebelling. They will be partially exterminated, and the rest will be transported to Africa by tankers. Тhis will be the first step in the migration of peoples.
Russian minorities in Latvia and Estonia will take power in the eastern regions of these countries with the help of Russia.
"Europeanized" Russians in these countries will try to move to the south of Germany or to Austria. But they will not be accepted there, these countries will need real workers, not parasites.
Now we will outline possible options for action for the Peoples who will lose their Lands, but want to preserve themselves as a Nation with their States, Language and Culture.
Icelanders and Norwegians will have two options for creating their states. The first is to establish them on the dried up territory of the North Sea. It will be quite easy to agree on this with the Dutch and Danes.
The second option is to move to the west coast of North Africa.
Swedes, Finns, Estonians and Latvians have only one option - to move to the new coast of Poland and its central part.
This will lead to a new Thirty Years War between the Protestant North and the Catholic South.
In this war Protestant Germany will actively help the Northern Protestants with weapons and volunteers. She will try to reclaim the lands lost in the Second World War.
The Latvians will try to seize the territory of Lithuania, and the Finns, Estonians eastern northern part of Poland. All this will be complicated by the presence of the Russian enclave in the Kaliningrad region.
The Swedes and part of the Norwegians are on the new western coast of Poland and further south.
The Poles, in turn, will attack Ukraine and seize its western part. They also try to gain access to the Black Sea as a result of the war with Romania.
The rest of the countries will not interfere in this conflict.
Only Hungary will be an exception. She will try to annex the adjacent lands of Poland and Romania.
And finally, England will gather all its citizens who do not want to remain in Europe, and take them to one of the African countries with large oil reserves, most likely to Nigeria.
They will also invite those who are not afraid of the blood of the people of the northern countries to move there.
The British will expel (or exterminate) some of the local residents they do not need, and the rest will work in the oil fields. Everything will happen as usual in the British colonies.
All these wars will be accompanied by genocide of civilians.
Where will the belligerent countries find weapons? What weapons will they need?
First of all, they will need a lot of small arms.
Possible Conflicts over Territory between Neighboring Countries:
In development . . .
Causes of conflicts between countries in Ice Age are:
- Flooding the country or covering it with ice. The population goes to neighboring countries and fights there for survival and equality.
- The emergence of new lands between the two countries
- The merging of the islands and their struggle for independence
- Classical reason: attacking neighbors to seize their resources
Other countries will not interfere in these conflicts, as they themselves will have a lot of problems.
Scotland - Ireland
Scotland will be covered with glaciers and its population will have to go somewhere.
For them, the most optimal place of resettlement is Ireland. Especially its western wooded part which will be covered with pine forests. The British will gladly support them.
Great Britain - Scotland
The British will not be happy with those Scots who will migrate to the south
Great Britain - Ireland
The British in the west of their country would prefer to live in pine forests rather than in the tundra. In addition, they will need access to the Atlantic Ocean. Potatoes add spice to this conflict.
Great Britain - France
Of course the North of France is more preferable for living than the East of England. This will be the new Exodus of the British to France (where is Joan of Arc?).
In addition, there will be a fierce war over the Atlantic coast between them.
France - Italy
Fighting for new island CorseSardegnia
Italy - Croatia
Conflict over the dry Adriatic sea to line San Benedetto del Tronto (Italy) - Sibenik (Croatia)
Croatia - BosniaAndHerzegovina
The Neum Corridor is a narrow passage to the Adriatic Sea for Bosnia and Herzegovina. The city of Neum will be separated from the sea by 15 km. This land will be the subject of the conflict.
North Macedonia - Greece
The problem is that Greece uses the name "Macedonia" and believes that only Greece is entitled to it.
Montenegro - Serbia
Serbia and some residents of Montenegro believe that Serbia and Montenegro should be a single state.
Serbia - Albania
Serbia demands the restoration of its sovereignty over Kosovo
Greece - Bulgaria
The border between Greece and Bulgaria changed five times since:
- First and Second Balkan Wars,
- the end of the First World War
- the occupation of Greece by the Nazis
- the end of World War II.
Naturally, both countries will try to change it again.
This will not apply to other countries, with the exception of Montenegro
Turkey - Greece
What will change at the border of these countries?
The sea around the Greek islands will dry up.
That part of them that is close to Greece will merge with it, and that part that is close to Turkey will merge with Turkey.
The straits of the Bosphorus and Dardanelles and the Sea of Marmara between them dry up.This deprives Turkey of strategic advantages:
- control over a short passage from Asia to the Mediterranean
- protection in the event of an attack by European countries.
The Greek islands that are close to Turkey will merge with Turkish territory. And this will be the cause of the first armed conflict between these countries at the end of the 21st century.
The Greek islands that are close to Turkey will merge with Turkish territory. And this will be the cause of the first armed conflict between these countries at the end of the 21st century.
The European border of Greece and Turkey West-East will also become a theater of operations.
Turkey - Bulgaria
A military conflict between these countries will arise due to mutual claims.
- The Turks want to annex the border part of Bulgaria inhabited by the Turks.
- The Bulgarians are sure that if Turkey seizes this territory, they will go further to the north of Bulgaria.
In addition, since the Asian part of Turkey will not be protected by the straits, they will want to move their European border as far as possible to the North and West (Greek territory)
Poland - Germany
Retention of lands annexed to Poland after World War II. They are
eastern regions of Germany, located east of the Oder / Neisse line: West Prussia (part), Silesia (part), East Pomerania and East Brandenburg, the former Free City of Danzig, as well as the Szczecin district west of the river
Scotland will be covered with glaciers and its population will have to go somewhere. For them, the most optimal place of resettlement is Ireland. Especially its western wooded part which will be covered with pine forests. The British will gladly support them.
The British will not be happy with those Scots who will migrate to the south
The British in the west of their country would prefer to live in pine forests rather than in the tundra. In addition, they will need access to the Atlantic Ocean. Potatoes add spice to this conflict.
Of course the North of France is more preferable for living than the East of England. This will be the new Exodus of the British to France (where is Joan of Arc?). In addition, there will be a fierce war over the Atlantic coast between them.
Fighting for new island CorseSardegnia
Conflict over the dry Adriatic sea to line San Benedetto del Tronto (Italy) - Sibenik (Croatia)
The Neum Corridor is a narrow passage to the Adriatic Sea for Bosnia and Herzegovina. The city of Neum will be separated from the sea by 15 km. This land will be the subject of the conflict.
The problem is that Greece uses the name "Macedonia" and believes that only Greece is entitled to it.
Serbia and some residents of Montenegro believe that Serbia and Montenegro should be a single state.
Serbia demands the restoration of its sovereignty over Kosovo
The border between Greece and Bulgaria changed five times since:
- First and Second Balkan Wars,
- the end of the First World War
- the occupation of Greece by the Nazis
- the end of World War II.
Naturally, both countries will try to change it again.
This will not apply to other countries, with the exception of Montenegro
What will change at the border of these countries?
The sea around the Greek islands will dry up.
That part of them that is close to Greece will merge with it, and that part that is close to Turkey will merge with Turkey.
The straits of the Bosphorus and Dardanelles and the Sea of Marmara between them dry up.This deprives Turkey of strategic advantages:
- control over a short passage from Asia to the Mediterranean
- protection in the event of an attack by European countries.
The Greek islands that are close to Turkey will merge with Turkish territory. And this will be the cause of the first armed conflict between these countries at the end of the 21st century.
The Greek islands that are close to Turkey will merge with Turkish territory. And this will be the cause of the first armed conflict between these countries at the end of the 21st century. The European border of Greece and Turkey West-East will also become a theater of operations.
A military conflict between these countries will arise due to mutual claims.
- The Turks want to annex the border part of Bulgaria inhabited by the Turks.
- The Bulgarians are sure that if Turkey seizes this territory, they will go further to the north of Bulgaria.
In addition, since the Asian part of Turkey will not be protected by the straits, they will want to move their European border as far as possible to the North and West (Greek territory)
Retention of lands annexed to Poland after World War II. They are eastern regions of Germany, located east of the Oder / Neisse line: West Prussia (part), Silesia (part), East Pomerania and East Brandenburg, the former Free City of Danzig, as well as the Szczecin district west of the river
Poland - Ukraine
As a result of the glaciation of the Baltic Sea, Poland will lose its northern lands as well as access to the sea. Naturally, Poland will try to return eastern Galicia and western Volhynia. In this case, it will receive warm fertile lands and access to the Black Sea between Odessa and Danube
Poland - Czech Republic and Slovakia
Teshin region
Occupation of Slovakia
Poland - Moldova and Romania.
In the event of a successful conflict (seizure of Moldova and the Danube estuary), Poland will turn into a local superpower
Poland - Belarus
Possible attempt to rejoin western Belarus (Brest and Grodno regions)
Poland - Republic of Lithuania.
Conflict is unlikely
Ukraine - Romania
. . .
Ukraine - Russia
Crimea, Donbass
Turkey - Georgia
. . .
Turkey - Armenia
Armenian genocide
Armenia - Azerbaijan
Karabakh !
In the event of a successful conflict (seizure of Moldova and the Danube estuary), Poland will turn into a local superpower
Possible attempt to rejoin western Belarus (Brest and Grodno regions)
Conflict is unlikely
. . .
Crimea, Donbass
. . .
Armenian genocide
Karabakh !
? - ?
. . .
? - ?
. . .
Weaponry in the beginning of Ice Age 2100:
What weapon will be most suitable for that time?
Guns and pistols must be reliable, powerful and easy to manufecture:

Ammunition must use plain gunpowder and steel with a minimum of other metals

Browning High Power

Classic Rocket lunchers

Heavy Machine Guns


Mortals and Cannons

Military Aircraft that can be made in any woodworking workshop using car motors:

Self made Small drons

Self made Armored Personnel Carriers based on pickups and trucks

Easy-to-manufecture 'PC-7 Turbo Trainer' type and 'EMB-312 Tucano' type attack aircraft:
PC-7 Turbo Trainer:
EMB-312 Tucano:


Military boats

War Dogs

Vehicle requirements for land, air and water:
What requirements for Vehicles will be most important for 2100 years?
All engines ...
Motors ...
All-terrain vehicles:

Cargo Aircraft:

Cargo Ships:

Cargo Sailboats: