Classic/Free books about Astronomy, Mathematics, Physics, Biology:

Link to Classic/Free Physics and Mathematics books:
Ptolemy, Copernicus and Kepler books
Kesten "Copernicus And His World"
Kepler "Harmonies of the world"
Loomis "A Treatise on Astronomy"
Pannekoek "History of Astronomy"
Berry "A short history of astronomy"
Wilson "Astronomy Through the Ages"
Baker and Fredrick "Astronomy"
Dreyer "A History Of Astronomy From Thales To Kepler"
Flammarion and Gore "Popular Astronomy"
Hiltner "Astronomical Techniques"
Hoyle "Frontiers of astronomy"
Jauncy "Radio Astronomy And Cosmology"
Newcomb "Astronomy for everybody"
Pankaj Jain "Introduction to Astronomy and Astrophysics"
Voroncov-Velyaminiv "Astronomy" ( djvu, russian)
Lagrange "Analytical Mechanics"
Laplace "A Treatise of Celestial Mechanics"
Tisserand "Traite de Mecanique Celeste, Tome III"
Poincare "New Methods of Celestial Mechanics. Volumes I and II" djvu
Poincare "New Methods of Celestial Mechanics. Volume III"
Fitzpatrick "An Introduction To Celestial Mechanics"
Collins "Foundations Of Celestial Mechanics"
Curtis "Orbital Mech For Engineering Students"
Laplace "Elementary Illustrations of the Celestial Mechanics"
Moulton "An Introduction To Celestial Mechanics"
Subbotin "A Course in Celestial Mechanics Part 2"
Szebehely "Adventures in Celestial Mechanics"
Vinti, Der, Bonavito "Orbital And Celestial Mechanics"
Wintner "The Analytical Foundations of Celestial Mechanics"
Caroluis Linnaeus " The Animal Kingdom"
Caroluis Linnaeus " Three Grand Systems: Animals, Vegitables, Mineralis"
Jackson " Caroluis Linnaeus life "
Gilbert " Developmental Biology "