Homo Spaciens Tasks:
In development . . .
350 Shelters building, generation of Energy and Water on the Moon and on Mars
360 Moon, Mars and Outer Space Greenhouses
370 Telescope building on the Moon
400 Metal Smelting In Outer Space
410 Artificial Gravity for Human Long Stay in Space
420 Communication in Solar System
425 Solar Space Calendar based on Solar Cycles
430 Spacecrafts with low-thrust Engines
435 Telescope building in the Outer Space
440 Construction of the First Starship "Archimedes"
445 Communication with starships using Lasers
450 Exploration of the planets of the nearest star systems using Telescopes
455 Exploration of the planets of the nearest star systems (images from starships)
465 Canis Sermo (Talking)Hardware/Software Development