Problems which We Know Now How to Solve:

In development . . .

We found solution of special case of three-body problem in Celestial Mechanics:

Influence of the motion of two planets on the motion of a star

Another similar case was studied by Henri Poincaré:
Influence of the motion of two stars on the motion of a planet

We found solutions of two problems in Stellar Astrophysics:

The motion of plasma in the core of a star under the influence of the gravitational field of the planets

Generation of the magnetic field of a star by a moving plasma in its core

In Medicine:

Non Linear relation between hormones of hypothesis gland and thyroid gland

Early diagnosis of liver metastases using dynamic scintigraphy

Quantitative measurements of liver cirrhosis

In Mathematics:

Classification of elliptic functions using a mechanical model

Dirac delta function representation in Leibniz calculus

In Physics:

Maximizing the deflection of the ballistic pendulum

Representation of Newton's Second Law using the notation of quantum mechanics