Mathship Technologies Corporation


This website is dedicated to Victoria Levkina, without whose support the scientific results presented here would never have been obtained. Many of them were originally formulated by her.

Everything affects Everything

The most dangerous and interesting Time is Transition between Solar Cycles, when Solar Magnetic field is close to Zero!

Our Mission is:

To conduct Research in Solar Activity with Focus on Earth Climate and Humans/States Behavior.

Now we are in Solar Cycle SC25

Solar Magnetic Field (SMF) began to increase

The Next Solar Cycle SC26 will have begun at Nov 30, 2030

Attention: New ICE AGE is coming in 2100!

Click here to get more information

This web-site can be useful for:

- Astronomers and Astrophysicists

- Scientists and Engineer who are interested in Sun Influence to the Earth

- Everybody who is interested in Astronomy/Astrophysics

- Everybody who is cared about Future of our Civilization

Additional Useful Web Sites: topics:

- Algol60/AlgolW/Pascal/Oberon Standards

- Algol60/AlgolW/Pascal/Oberon Programming

- Future Programming Languages Development topics:

- C/Assembler/bash programming

- Data Structure/Algorithms

- C Image Processing Programming

- Linux Documentation topics:

- Sets of Test Images / Test Videos

- Image/Video Compression Standards

- Image/Video Processing

- Python / Bash Programming

- C / Matlab Programming

- Python / OpenCV Image Processins